07 November, 2024

An Open Letter

All politicians are corrupt. (Except maybe Bernie Sanders). As someone who used to be a conscientious non-voter, and who doesn't feel that ANY part of the mainstream reflects my personal values, I'm the last person to come out of the woodwork and tell you, THIS politician is different. But he is.

I mean, just on a superficial level, it's a bad look for the country. If you can't see that, then you're clearly biased. But it doesn't stop there. He poses a threat to national security, and the very system our country is based on. But that's not even the part that motivates me to speak out. I have my issues with the Democratic platform, but I detest Republican values even more. THAT'S not even the reason I'm in distress.

No matter what your beliefs are, or what you THINK Trump stands for, what scares me is the little people that feel empowered by having this doofus in the White House. You might not see them, living in your upscale suburban neighborhood or gated community. But I'm out here in the country, and I'm surrounded by them.

People with hatred in their hearts. People who aren't smart enough, or empathetic enough to curb their impulses. People who carry guns and are just looking for an excuse to use them. People who can't understand anyone that doesn't look like them, and who hate and fear anything they don't understand.

You're not one of those people. I know that. But in casting your lot with Trump, you're empowering those people. You're helping to give THEM a platform. And that's fucking scary.

Maybe you're not the target they're gunning for. You're not a minority. You're white. You're straight. You're male. You've got it made. But I know for a FACT that you have people you love who do fall into those categories that these people are out to destroy.

And it breaks my heart that you're helping them to do that. I hate to think that you're dumb enough or ignorant enough or brainwashed enough not to realize it, but the alternative - that you actually agree that people like me shouldn't exist - is even harder to stomach.

This country is SUPPOSED to be founded on liberty - the freedom to make our own choices in life, and pursue happiness in our own individual ways, while sharing the same rights and protections as everyone else. That's what America stands for. And that is NOT what Trump symbolizes.

Congratulations. You got lucky. Or you worked hard. You've made it. Does that give you the right to step on the necks of everybody else less fortunate than you? What a role model you are.

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